2017 "Women of Distinction" Award
As the owner of Royal Palm Hearing Aid Centers in Boca Raton, Elissa Sorkowitz Lejeune is passionate about providing hearing aids to under-served women, men, veterans and children. Thus her business won Siemens / Signia Humanitarian Practice of the Year Award. A leader in the community for many years, Elissa contributes her time to establish hearing loop systems, which ensure public spaces are ADA compliant for the hearing impaired. This caring mother, wife, daughter, business woman is also a committee member for Boating and Beach Bash for People with Disabilities, and is currently the Kiwanis of Boca Raton President. She was also named one of the "Most Influential Women as an Entrepreneur" during a prestigious awards breakfast by Soroptimist Internationalof Boca Raton/Deerfield. The global volunteer organization event honored many influential individuals and was held at Boca West Country Club on October 18, 2017.
Nominated by Tom Thayer, The Kiwanis Club of Boca Raton.
Photo Courtesy: Mark Haworth Photography
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