It's becoming all the rage these days! The Salt Suite is South Florida’s first Salt Therapy facilities. Discover a 100% natural alternative to find relief from stress, sinus and respiratory ailments. Escape from your daily routine to an invigorating salt oasis. The Salt Suite has been helping its customers find relief from conditions such as allergies, asthma, COPD, sinusitis and stress for over 4 years.
DEAL OF THE DAY: Your First Session 1/2 Off!
1. What is Salt Therapy?
Salt Therapy, also called halotherapy, is a holistic method that recreates the microclimate of a salt cave. Dry salt aerosol is dispersed into a room where the walls and floor are covered with layers of salt. A negative ion and antibacterial environment is created by the layering of salt on the walls and floor. The dry salt aerosol is a key factor in the relief of symptoms for many health problems including respiratory and skin conditions.
2. How does Salt Therapy work?
A machine called a halogenerator grinds salt to the size of 1-5 micrometers to produce a dry salt aerosol. The generator is placed on the outside wall of the salt room. While sitting in the room for 45 minutes the fine salt aerosol is able to travel to the deepest part of the lungs in addition to other parts of the respiratory tract. As salt enters the lungs and respiratory tract it dissolves bacteria and pollutants and works to expel mucous and open constricted airways.
3. What are the conditions and ailments that can be treated by salt therapy?
Breathing difficulties / chest tightness
Bronchitis / Chronic bronchitis
Cold/Flu Prevention
Ear infections
Sinusitis/sinus inflammation
Smoker’s cough
Snoring / Sleep Apnea
Stress and fatigue
Learn more about The Salt Suite & get a list of their 5 locations on their website:
Be sure to talk to your doctor to see if it's right for you. Have you experienced the benefits of salt therapy? Share & post your feedback below to join the conversation.